I made these corner shelves for my granddaughter's bedroom so I put a heart in place of the diamond showing in the picture. These plans let you choose a motif that might have some personal meaning to you or the person you are making the shelves for.
I also used some sanded cedar that was around the shop for a while and was good and dry. This is the beauty of making personal items like this, using up what is around and varying the design to match the person receiving it.
Rip the front faces about 2 1/2" or 3" wide and about 24, 18 and 12" long.
Determine your theme's design and layout in the center of the board. Drill a hole to start the jig saw and cut out the heart, spade, diamond, tiger or whatever. Layout and cut out around this motif and rip the rest of the board referring to the drawing. Clean up with a course file or rasp and then with the router round over inside the motif and the bottom. If the solid boards are not wide enough, lay them up (place them side by side and glue the joints and clamp together) before cutting them on a 45° angle.
Rip ledger strips of 3/4" x 1 1/2" wide material to support the shelves and fasten these to the wall under the shelf.
Set your cut off saw on a 45° and cut off each side of the shelf to fit in the corner forming a 90°. Cut the front face on a 45° to match the length of the shelf.
Stain, finish or paint and install this little beauty in your favourite nicknack room.
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