You'll need a jig saw for this beginner woodworking project to cut the irregular shaped ends of the doll cradle. We made the picture of the end full-size so you can print it off on your printer and cut around the shape. You can use this as a template to trace to get the shape exact.
When you cut the ends of the doll cradle, cut them both at the same time so the shape of each end is identical. To do this nail two pieces of board together right where the holes are in the template. After you've cut out the shapes on your jigsaw, pull out the nails and drill the holes.
Layout the template of the doll cradle as per the instructions. (To print off the template, click on the Print Version button at the top-right corner of this web page. The template will be the last page printed.) Cut out the shape with your jig or coping saw.
A handy tool I use when smoothing out curves is a Nicholson rasp-file with 4 surfaces - 2 flat and 2 curved each with a file and a rasp.
Clean up the edges of the doll cradle ends with the 4 in 1 rasp-file. Rip the 1x4, for the sides, to size and length. Roundover the top edge of these pieces and the end pieces with the router or if your router is still on your Christmas wish list use a block plane, which was designed to plane the end grain of wood.
Rip the edges of the plywood bottom to size and angle as shown on the template. Verify that the thicknesses of your boards are the same as shown on the template. Cut the length of the bottom of the doll cradle the same as the sides. The drawing suggests about 16 1/2", allowing for the ends. You can vary that depending on the size of the intended doll.
Assemble the pieces together by following the dimensions on the drawings. Remember to predrill your holes first.
Apply finish to your taste and present this little gem to your little gem.
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