These days, everyone should know what the term Going Green represents. As a youth in the 60's, I remember the protests of the hippies against the Vietnam war and the lack of concern and care for our planet. Today we have groups like the Sierra Club and Green Peace whose role is to educate the public. The movement has grown to the point of government changes nationally including International summits on the environment. Wow! Who said the youth of our world can't influence the powers that be.
Our governments have introduced rebate incentives to their residents. They agree that we need to preserve and care for our resources: forests, rivers, lakes and oceans, soil and air, oil and gas and even our ozone layer, which neutralizes the harmful radiation from the sun. We've seen rebates on energy saving light bulbs and appliances, as well as government legislation for manufacturers to save energy on products from vehicles to toilets.
US residents can find out what rebates they qualify for at: the Energy Star site.
Canadian residents can go to this link for Canadian government rebates.
United Kingdom residents can go to this link for energy grants.
As people who share the same planet, we don't have to be legislated to care for our resources. Here are some of the things we can do, individually and as a family, that won't cost us a penny:
When the time comes to recycle your appliances and electronics look for the Energy Star sticker for the most energy efficient products.
Purchase natural organic compounds instead of chemically produced ones. Choose latex paints rather than oil based. Replace incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes with energy saving LED bulbs and strips.
Grow your own vegetables or buy local.
Recycle products and reuse recyclable products.
Drink filtered water rather than purchasing an abundance of small containers or re-fill your own containers for water, coffee and other fluids.
Maintaining our homes is not an expensive procedure, but good maintenance will save in energy costs. Since about 45% of our utility expense is for heating and/or cooling:
When renovating our homes, replace existing products for environmentally friendly ones:
And finally, the last tip for going green and one of the easiest to accomplish is to conserve the use of water.
In order to keep our planet clean and to preserve its resources it takes all of us to work together. It is our responsibility to pass onto our future generations the best environment that we can.
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