Jigs 4: Feather Wedge Table Saw Jig

It seems that a carpenter is always needing a thin feather wedge to shim something. I use old cedar shingles as thin feather wedges for shimming door and window jambs. Sometimes we need a thin feather wedge to lift a cabinet or shim something. Here is a quick way to make up some thin feather wedges on your table saw with a jig.

Diagram of wedge jig with measurements.

Out of a piece of 3/4" plywood or 1x6 board cut and assemble the pieces of the table saw thin feather wedge jig according to the drawing.

Diagram showing how to cut wedges with the wedge jig on a table saw.

Notice the little nail on the jig, which holds the thin feather wedge in place. Just don't have it protrude too far from the jig, to be cut off with the table saw blade. I use a small finish nail and cut the head off and file the end sharp. When pushing the table saw jig through the blade, keep the cut piece in place with our table saw push stick (see article Table Saw Push Stick) on its side. Use a 2x4 or 2x6 for stock, cut to 6" long. Or use 3/4" stock for narrow feather wedges.

Make some thin feather wedges and keep them in your toolbox (see project Carpenter Tool Box Plans), handy for the next time you need thin feather wedges to shim something.


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