The following drawings:
The plans have a List of Materials, showing a breakdown of materials for the floor, walls and roof.
The Instructions include the following topics:
The layout of the walls are shown on the Floor Plan. Make sure the walls are in the same configuration as on the plan. The gable roof goes across the 48" length. Notice the ¼" Plywood on the inside walls only. The outside of the walls are sheeted with 7/16" OSB or plywood. Frame the walls with 2x2s so they are all 2' high. So cut the studs 21" long and use 2x2 plates. As was done with the floor, the wall studs only need one 3" screw to hold them in place to the plates, the screws from the plywood and OSB will keep them solid. Give your dog a clear opening of 14" or measure his shoulders to be sure. This can be customized to the size of your dog, of course. Screw the panels of plywood on each wall before fastening the wall in place, except for the inside wall. Fasten the other side once the bottom plate and stud is secured. This squares them up nicely, notice the overlaps, as shown on the floor plan. Fasten the wall by screwing through the bottom plate into the perimeter box joist and the floor. Secure the inside wall to the outside wall and the corners with screws from one stud to the other. At the open end of the inside wall, fasten a 1x2 over the opening to the top plate of its wall and the top plate 90 degrees to it and 14"away. Pre-drill the screw holes, with a 3/16" bit, when close to the end of the 1x2 or 2x2 to prevent splitting the wood.
The roof is framed after the sheeting is applied to the walls. The wall sheeting overlaps the floor, flush on the bottom. The roof is made of 2x2 rafters and 26 1/8" long, for a 4' wide house, with ends of 5/12 or 22½° on your cutoff saw. The ridge board is a 1x3 ripped down to 1 5/8" to fit the angle and 44" long. Notice there is no overhang on the eaves of the roof, to prevent a youngster or the dog from hitting his or her head on it. This also allows a 1x4 ripped down to 3" and 48" to overlap and to be screwed to the walls to hold the roof on. The Side Elevation Framing drawing shows the gable ends have a 1½" overhang formed by screwing a 2x2 rafter over the 7/16" OSB as a barge board. A small filler is applied over the 1x2 across the bottom of the gable, the belly band, to flush up the 1x4 ripping at these points.
Asphalt shingles of your choice can be installed as per the manufacturers directions as shown on the package. Install the shingles after all the trim is applied. Overhang the shingles about 3/4" all around.
The corner boards are 1x2s with one side ripped in half. When looking at the corner both sides seem to match in width.
Paint up the house on the inside and outside with a good semi-gloss acrylic latex paint, for easy cleaning. A cedar chip quilt for your dog to lay on will help keep fleas off your dog and out of his house.
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