Volume 10 Issue 2 ISSN 1923-7162 |
Welcome to Dave's Shop Talk's Home Improvement Newsletter of questions from our members on their construction projects, a Tip of the Month and a home remodeling article, both from our website at http://daveosborne.com.
If you spill a drop of paint on concrete, quickly grab a handful of dirt and rub it over the paint before it dries. Later you can wash off the dirt: Ref: Remodeling 14: How to Install an Arch in an Opening.
And a Bonus Tip:
If you have a multibit screw driver, use the bits in your variable speed drill to make a power screwdriver. Ref: Useful Stuff 3: Dave's Basic Tools.
Thanks, John,
I'm here for any questions. If you can build a set of stairs with a bit of instruction, I would say you are pretty sharp. Of course, I could say we have pretty sharp instructions, too. Ha!
Nice email, thanks,
Hi Andy,
You should use a polyurethane - Varathane, Semi-gloss or satin finish, in an oil or alkyd base. Avoid latex since it will raise the grain of bare wood.
Yes, leave the pine for at least 24 hours to 48 hours. It should say on the package.
Just Varathane the one side after installation.
Hi Carl,
Those washers sound like thread savers and should be removed before installing the nipples. Usually, they are colored vinyl inserts, rather than rubber, like you describe. Regardless, I would say to pull them out.
Hi Marion,
Use a floor leveler compound for wood floors. There is a type for concrete floors, as well. It comes in bags and needs to be mixed with water and a bonding agent. This stuff goes on very smoothly and can be sanded easily, after it dries. With vinyl tiles the floor needs to be very smooth. Always read the directions on the bag for mixing cement products, some need to be slaked - left to cure/set for a short time, then stirred again without adding any more water.
Thank you, Harlan, that's good to know.
Thanks, Steve, glad we were able to help.
All the best in the future,
(taken from our website: DaveOsborne.com
In conversing with a member of our site, recently, I was shocked to hear that he was quoted $900 for labor to remove an existing patio door and replace it with a new unit. I sent him these instructions, hopefully they will help you too.
Here are the steps to remove and replace a sliding patio door unit with the same size unit:
1. Remove the ...read more at http://daveosborne.com/dave/articles/how-replace-patio-door.php
Well, that does it for another month. We hope some of these questions and answers will help you with your own projects. If you need more advice, please join our website, then send me an email.
Dan and I appreciate your emails and support.
Hi, I'm Dave Osborne. With over 50 years experience as a journeyman carpenter, foreman and contractor in heavy construction I enjoyed working with apprentices and sharing the tricks of the trade that others shared with me. Now I get emails from Members all over the world and we include many of my answers in our Free Monthly Newsletters. Some of my answers include drawings and instructions specific to a project, but may also answer your questions. I use correct construction terminology, so you can confidently inform your building supply dealers or contractors exactly what you need.
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