Volume 14 Issue 4 ISSN 1923-7162 |
Welcome to Dave's Shop Talk's Home Improvement Newsletter of questions from our members on their construction projects, a Tip of the Month and a home remodeling article, both from our website at http://daveosborne.com.
Before working on your kitchen or bathroom taps or the water supply to a dishwasher, turn off the water first. The shut-off for the dishwasher is usually under the sink.
To get rid of moss or algae off your sidewalks or driveway, use TSP and bleach in warm water. Keep clear of grassy areas.
If you are adding the same amount to the bottom sub floor, the treads and the top floor, then the total rise is from bottom floor to upper floor. Cut the thickness of the bottom tread off the bottom of the stringer and drop the stringer down from the upper floor the same amount. If any of these are different then yes, they need to be allowed for in the layout.
If putting on a slight slope to shed water, don't figure this out in the calculator. When you go to layout the stringer, after getting the rise and run from the calculator, then you can just angle your tread a bit out of level. It may be easier to scribe the normal tread and risers then just go back and change the tread to suit the slight slope.
Thanks, Dennis, glad it helped.
Good point! Wool socks would not be too good for staining, probably leaving strands of wool on the finish. I was thinking cotton or polyester socks, which is what I wear.
We better revise that tip!
How big is this platform and roughly how much weight, people?
Can you fasten the inside edge to the outside window side? This would stabilize it, then brace the outside edge.
How far away are the 2nd floor supports?
A photo, if possible, would really help me see your situation.
Hi Don,
Here is a drawing for you:
Be sure to remove vinyl siding (if that exists) before attaching the 2x6 ledgers to the wall through the sheeting and into the studs or box or rim joist. Attach with 1/2" pre-drilled galvanized lag screws. You should probably have a handrail a on 3 sides, as well. Attach to the wall (remove vinyl siding, if any) with 3 1/2" deck screws. There should be a double stud next to the window on each side for this. Try to get lags near the middle of the ledgers into the stud or joist, as well. Notice the notch in the brace at the wall end which helps give support, as well. Toe-screw these braces from the side for greater strength into the ledger on the wall and into the platform frame 2x6. A 5/8" plywood scab over these joints, also improves the strength of the joint. Handrail height from the floor should be 36" to 42" with a center rail.
You may also want to purchase an escape rope ladder. I've attached these to the window sill before. They are a consumer product which contains a rope ladder and eye-screws. You attach the the rope to the eye-screws and leave it in the box. In an emergency, throw the box out the window and climb down. Check on the height of the window sill to the ground. I wouldn't want to wait too long for the fire dept to come and rescue me if the house is burning!! The fire inspector may okay this without having to build a platform.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions,
(taken from our website: DaveOsborne.com
"Location, location, location!", is what they say in real estate, but it's just as important with skylights.
In this home improvement article, we will talk about a 2'x4' skylight, so if you have a larger skylight, just adjust the numbers.
With most skylights there are two locations to consider, the roof and the ceiling. The skylight location you choose is dependent on the type of roof you have. The two types of roof common today in North America are the rafter and truss roofs. The best place to find out what kind of a roof you have is in the attic. Rafters are individual structural members that give the roof its shape and support. They are usually 2x6 on 16" centers. Trusses are units that support the roof as well as the ceiling. These are usually 2x4 construction with webs and gusset plates over the connection points and placed on 24" centers. Watch for the location of any hip or valley rafter, you don't want to cut through these or the roof trusses. Since your roof rafters will probably be on 16" centers we have to choose one to cut out for your 2'x4' skylight to fit. Another decision to make, once discovering the structure of your roof, is... Read more at Remodeling 7: How to Install a Skylight in an Existing Roof.
Hope you enjoy the Newsletter this month.
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